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Have Wellness in Mind Year-Round at Ashlar Park

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Ashlar Park. All In.

Winter can often lead us to feel as though we want to stay indoors and cozy up with a blanket, while our bodies are actually craving different forms of exercise. Staying active is important year-round and can be even more beneficial in the colder months. Exercise can have a positive impact on your mental health and improve your mood, especially during months with less daylight.

Thankfully, Ashlar Park is perfectly situated for you to get your heart pumping with outdoor winter activities like walking, jogging, running, ice skating, sledding, snowboarding, or skiing. Because of our great location, you can find parks along the water like Merrymount Park and Broad Meadows Marsh, as well as fantastic trails through Blue Hills Reservation just minutes down the road.

Even in the coldest months, you will have access to our 24-hour state-of-the-art fitness center, where you can take advantage of all of the equipment you may need for the perfect workout. If exercise machines are not your calling, head to our yoga room to focus on stretching and mobility through practices like Pilates or yoga.

At Ashlar Park, we want to encourage all of our residents to stay active and healthy all year. Do you have any tips or motivational strategies to share? We’d love to hear from you!

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